Specialist in pneumology and Internal medicine
Pneumology, Internal Medicine

Dr Olivier Staneczek, an FMH certified specialist in pulmonology and internal medicine, was Head of the Pulmonary and Thoracic Surgery unit at Lausanne University Hospital (CHUV), and Head of the Pulmonology unit at the West Lake Geneva Hospital Group (GHOL) in Rolle. On joining the medical teams at Clinique La Prairie in 2007, he opened a Pulmonology Consultancy here and is personally available for consultations. He is specialist in smoking cessation and sleep medicine.


  • FMH in Pneumology
  • Sleep medicine
  • General Internal Medicine


  • Doctor’s degree “magna cum laude”, University of Ulm, Germany


  • Diploma of medical doctor, University of Ulm, Germany
  • Sleep medicine, Universities of Grenoble and Lyon, France
  • Pulmonary Rehabilitation, Universities of Geneva and Lausanne
  • Tobacco weaning, University of Geneva

Spoken Languages

  • English
  • French
  • German


  • European Respiratory Society
  • Swiss Society of Pneumology
  • FMH Foedaratio Medicorum Helveticorum
  • SVM Vaudoise Society of Medicine

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The specialized science of the airways is central to the treatment of many pathological conditions. Our pulmonologists make diagnoses and propose comprehensive treatments.